Carriage Driving Ads Ottawa Area Ontario

  • Ad PLaced: 2/26/2025
  • Views: 6527
$8,000.00 CDN


Beautiful Tinkers Caravan, also known as a Gypsie Caravan or Vardo. Built 4 years ago on a 1905 Macglauchlin under carriage. Wooden spoked penuatic tires. Turns on a 5th wheel system. Beautiful spring suspention rides smooth and very strong good for horse camping, or hunting trips, parades or a spare room or guest house. Space for bed, two benches, wood stove, slide and table, cupboards, and storage under benches. Askin $8,000, negotiable. If you have a heavy horse that has no purpose, give it a job pulling a Caravan!

City : Ottawa Area
State : Ontario
Price : $8,000.00 CDN
Size : large horse
Type : Single,Pleasure Vehicle,