Carriage Driving Ads Versailles Kentucky

  • Ad PLaced: 2/26/2025
  • Views: 782
$795.00 USD


Easy entry training horse cart. Very good condition. We used it with our 15 hand Haflinger mare. Have harness as well separately if interested. $850.00 Leather. Good condition. Seat bench is 43 inches wide and 12 inches deep Bench seat to ground is approximately 33 inches Shift closest to seat is 34.5 inches wide Shafts at approximately 76 inches from Ground. Narrowest part of shafts is about 28 inches outer edge to outer edge Shafts are approximately 98 inches long Likely needs new wheels. Call 8fivenine-twotwonine-onetwotwofive or text

City : Versailles
State : Kentucky
Price : $795.00 USD
Size : 1 horse
Type : Single,Wire-wheeled Vehicle,